Saturday, January 20, 2007

good one bloggers union...the joke is on you!

I have been thinking about my recent lifetime ban from using sideways smily faces. It makes no sense. i was punished for wasting bloggers virtual time, but my punishment has only made me a less efficient blogger. I can now only operate at 20% effeciency when expressing happiness to my fellow bloggers. Before i could type two characters with no use of the space bar, and everyone would know that I was in a good mood. Now if i want to express my mood of elation I must use eight characters and hit the space bar twice.

(I am happy is five times longer than a sideways smily face.)

The outcome of my punishment is more wasted time of my fellow bloggers who are forced to read unnecessary words.


Unknown said...

:) :) :) :)


heather said...
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Daniel said...

Not to mention the confusion created in blog goers that are not accustom to the manual expression of mood.

Unknown said...

A union(versal) solution perhaps, consider the substitutional use of the lowly semi-colon & close parentheses demonstrated herein ;) which would convey to honest readers your general good will of the moment, still I must add: to the flirty you may be winking ;) to the mischievous you could be a confederate ;) to the satirical your dry wit might be exposed ;) but for the saturnine (not to show to much gaiety) you should use ;] and for the French perhaps ;} which would of course combine all of the aforementioned and confuse many of your true intent, however it may be best to use only ) so as not to offend anyone and allow your blind readers see your truly sensitive & empathetic nature. PS: Of course the font you choose will add a whole new pallet of nuances. Ta-ta, Jero ;)